Time to get serious about moving

We have about two weeks left… AH!! If you were to come into our apartment, ignoring the recycling center of broken down boxes, you would never be able to tell that we were moving.  I feel that we are just going to throw everything into boxes at the last second and sort it all our in New Jersey.  Hmm… that sounds pretty good actually…

Car #1 gets picked up next Wednesday to get shipped.  That is going to be weird.  When I found that out my first thought was, Oh-Em-GEEE! how am I going to get to the nail salon?!?!… Second thought was, H*ly Cr*p! We need to pack.

Going to try to make more soup tomorrow (erm, today.. it is 1:12am).  I can’t believe I’m going to have 16 days of no cooking.. actually, its going to be longer than that.  I have to pack my pots/dishes at some point…

That’s right, 16 days. We reduced the trip by 1 day.  Sorry Elvis, you didn’t make the cut on this trip.  We did get to throw in one stop that deals with a musician… SUPER SUPER excited about this stop. I won’t give it away on here, just saying we are SUPER excited!! If you know us in real life you probably could figure it out. I’m going to try to keep our stops a surprise on here. 🙂

Did I mention how excited we were for this musician themed stop?

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